March 13, 2005,9:51 AM
So when I agreed to take care of my sister's dog because of Spring Break, I should have paid more attention to the weather. I keep forgetting that in Colorado it likes to snow...a lot...and in times when you least expect it. I don't really find it fun to have to walk a dog downstairs, myself getting very cold and wet in the process, and then let her sink in the snow because it is in fact almost abover her head, and then have to make sure that her feet are dry so that she does not leave little puppy paw prints all over my carpet. This all being the very reason I do not have a dog. What's even better is they are calling for snow all the way through Wednesday. Can you tell I'm over the snow now....keep it in the mountains and make some money off city people are tired of it. :)
posted by Lisa
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