April 24, 2005,7:27 PM
Birthday weekend
So the birthday weekend is coming to a close. Friday night we started with going downtown. It was just me, Kim, Kyle, Laura and Jeff. There were supposed to be about five other people, but we won't metion any names!!!! It was still a lot of fun though. So yesterday I just kinda hung around my house and did some laundry and what not, and then Pat took me out for dinner to make up for the fact that he was a wimp and didnt go out Friday. Then today I went to my moms for potato buritto and my birthday cake.....which was very yum. Then I got back home and we went to get mexican foods. So...of course...there was some singing and a very large sombrero involved there. And then TOMORROW....the actually big day.....I know I get baloons at work, Kim is taking me to lunch, and Pat is taking me out to dinner. I'm thinking I've gotten to eat all weekend and have someone else take care of me ......it should be birthday weekend EVERY weekend!!!!!!
,7:26 PM

me and kim

,7:25 PM

me and laura

April 23, 2005,8:50 PM

me and kyyyyyyle

April 10, 2005,5:11 PM

even more snow....
So the snow let up for a little while today, and now its starting to come down pretty hard again. You can see that they attempted shoveling our sidewalks, but they are just going to get covered up again. There were two kids out today and I couldnt help but laugh at them. They kept sinking and falling into the snow. Its hard to walk in that much snow without snowshoes on (which I have also seen people wearing today just out walking around). Mom said that if this much snow had fallen a few months ago when the snow is drier, we would have had about twice as much, but because its wet, its packing itself down. That's a crazy thought!!!! Still not sure if we will have to go to work tomorrow. We all keep calling each other to convince each other that we have a chance of getting to stay home. SOME of us don't have big trucks or four wheel drive to help us get out of our garages!!!!! I'm gonna have to leave like two hours early just to drive five miles!
,9:41 AM


,8:17 AM
Well, I woke up this morning to a LOT of snow. I just looked out towards my garage and they haven't even come through with a snow plow yet, and its definitely sticking to my road. How am I supposed to know if I have to go to work tomorrow???? A snow day would be SOOOO much fun though. And if you are thinking, hey...you live in Colorado...get used to it...its snows all the time there. Well...I called my mom this morning and all she said was....you know its a lot of snow when a Baptist church cancels their services. And I just learned that the airport isnt letting anyone fly out...which I don't think happened all winter long. So yeah, its supposed to snow for the rest of the day, rest of the night, and some tomorrow morning. Its crazy!!!! Friday I was in short sleeves and flips flops and loving the 70 degree weather. It's supposed to be SPRING....not WINTER!!!! Time to get some soup going and curl up by the fire....
April 06, 2005,5:41 PM
I'm a routine kinda girl
Don't get me wrong, I like being spontaneous sometimes, but when it comes to every day activities....my life is very routine and I like it that way. So this week I have been thrown off by the sun not coming up until I'm leaving for work. And when you start your day thrown off, there is really no way to catch up with it. SO....I sat down with Mr. Boss Man and we went over my official schedule...which gets me into the office an hour later. MUCH better. Of course now I realize that once fall comes, and we change times again, I'll be all messed up again because the sun sets here around 4:30 in the winter.
The weather RULES here. I want to be outside ALL the time. It's in the 70's with that cool mountain breeze. Funny to think that they are calling for some more snow next week. I'm convinced that kinda stuff just doesnt ever go away around here. This week has gone by really fast, although the days go by really slow. I still jump every time that headset at work beeps at me cuz I know I have about 1/2 a second to get my act together and start talking. Apparently it gets better. We'll see how day three goes.....
April 02, 2005,10:37 PM
I want my hour back
So I think this may be the first time in my life where losing an hour for....I dont know....father time or something....has really messed me up. I mean, its bad enough now that I have to have a real job that consumes my life Monday through Friday, but now I'm having my precious weekend taken away from me too! I should move to Arizona next....they don't deal with day light saving like the rest of us crazy states.
Went out last night with a bunch of people from work. It was a blast. May be someone's date to a wedding in June....or July....I wasn't really paying that close attention....I just wanted to go to a wedding where I didnt know either of the people getting married. I've never done that and it sounded like fun...so I agreed to it. Met Kyle and P Denny for dinner and we just sat there.....not really hungry....not really having a lot to say.....all wanting to sleep. Contimplated going over to Marcus's and watching the basketball game....but he lives all the way downtown...and I didnt want to have to drive back late during my loss of an hour. SO...I went and rented a few movies and I'm all snuggled up on the couch next to my fire...even though it was like 70 today....I like the way it looks when all the lights are off.
Tomorrow is a busy day of Spring Cleaning and maybe going to the closed car lots to see if I can really figure out what kind of car I want to get this summer. I have a hard time deciding stuff like this, mostly becuase I've never had to do it before and the options seem endless. But maybe it will help....
And oh.....if any of my like 8 bosses tries to pull an April Fools joke like they did on one of the guys Friday (meaning he was "fired").....I will cry and they will have to send me home early....