May 30, 2005,9:53 PM
Memorial Day
Well....this weekend started out really busy since I had to go up to my mom's and all. And then Sunday they came down to fix my fan and my air conditioning in my house so that it wouldnt be so hot. Of course, it's been kinda cold and rainy all weekend. I got in my old car today to run some errands and it wouldn't start. I managed to fix it on my own, but I really need it to hold out for a few more days without me having to spend any money fixing it. Wouldn't you know right as I get a new car, the old one decides it really doesnt want to keep going. Guess it's feeling neglected or something. I wish every weekend was three days. I get so much more done. That, and maybe I woldnt hate Mondays so much anymore. Of course I'm sure that it would just lead to me hating Tuesdays. I'm glad this week is short and that I only have to work half the day on Thursday. That's all for now. I'll try to have some recent pictures up soon. Just not enough motivation to put any up at the moment....that is what two days of rain does to me....
May 29, 2005,8:57 AM
Here she is.....
Ok, so this isn't the real picture...but it is one that we found....same color and everything. It's all I have until the end of the week. It's gonna be a long week....
May 28, 2005,8:31 PM
Time to say goodbye to an old friend.....
Well....we have been friends now for a long time.....eight years to be exact. We have been through a lot together. Some times were good....some times were bad.....some times I wanted to just walk away from you...some times you just stopped being there for me.....but through all you have helped me get to where I am today. That's right.....the Moesha the Maxima is getting traded in for Suzie Q the Subaru!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! It all happened so fast, but basically the dealership got the car on Wednesday and I signed the papers for it today. They are gonna fix a few things on it that I wasnt happy with and if my boss will let me leave the warehouse early on Thursday, I will go back up to Ft. Collins to pick her up and leave Moesha in the care of my parents until we figure out what to do with her. I love love LOVE this car. She will definitely be parked in the garage every night and she may never see downtown during rush least not any time soon!!! I forgot to take my camera today, so when I get her I will take some pictures and post them. OH...and you know the first thing I'm gonna do when I get home is brand her with a red and black G on the back windsheild. THAT is a must!!!!
May 03, 2005,7:54 AM
Game four of the playoffs between the Nuggets and the Spurs was last night. It was actually a pretty good game. They went into overtime...and then the Nuggets apparently gave up there. At work there are a bunch of people from Texas and a bunch of people from Colorado all making bets with each other. It's like money is constantly just flying around in that place. First it was March Madness....then this....I don't even know whats next..but before you know it, it will be football season again... Very tired today. Guess that is what I get for staying up past midnight because my curiosity of how the game would end got to me.