September 30, 2005,6:20 PM
An update on life
So two..thats right..two...of my friends from home got engaged within weeks of each other. Andrea Hachat called me a few weeks ago to let me know that she was the next to tie the knot. Then last week Angela Ray called to tell me the same, and to ask me to be a bridesmaid! :) Yay! So, that means we are currently up to four times I will be flying back to the Atlanta airport in the next year. I'll be there in two weeks for a work related weekend getaway, and yes there will be a limited amount of free time. Then not even two weeks after that I will be flying back to caravan down with the Bradley/Haun households to attend some Georgia/Florida four day long festivities. Which brings me to my next point, and yes any advice/suggestions are more than move back..or to stay here. I love Colorado, I really do, but due to recent drama I have though more and more about moving back, just to be close to those close friends again. I miss that. The mostest. I'm even starting to like my job....I know..gasp. Drawbacks to moving back of course are the weather, mountains, a real need for all wheel drive, sunsets that make you stop cold, the ability to take a day off of work to hike/ski/whitewater raft...I could go on and on. Its all just not the same unless the people you love aren't around to enjoy it with you. They say it takes three years to really settle in somewhere and get comfortable...question is can I wait that long.
September 21, 2005,6:08 PM


,6:08 PM

me and allio

,6:08 PM

me, allio and sean

,6:07 PM

me and allio

September 14, 2005,9:29 PM
almost there...
48 more hours..and I'll be landing in Atlanta....I can't wait anymore. I don't think I have needed a weekend away this bad in a really long time. Ever feel like you are being pulled in about 20 different directions..none of which you really want to go in..but most of which you don't really have a choice but to do...that's my life right now. It's fun...really....
SO...I will be in the wonderful world of Atlanta this Saturday through Monday, and all the while hoping I don't have to make an emergency trip to Macon..even though at this point it is inevitable at some time in the not to far future.
Other than that..nothing exciting in my life...just drama and stress....which basically...what's is me we are talking about!!!