December 27, 2005,6:32 PM

True signs of a good big brother....he's wearing a bow for her!

,6:31 PM

Cousins and best friends!

,6:31 PM

Kristen and Kenzie being "fierce"

,6:30 PM

Me and and my baby brother!!!

,6:28 PM

Kel and Kenzie

,6:28 PM

"all grown up" Kelly and John

,6:27 PM

The line of people is the line I was in to check my bags. Notice there are no ticket counters in sight.....

,6:08 PM
Christmas Vacation
Where do you start when you had a vacation like mine. I guess I should start with the missing my flight to get to my dad's house. I get there and go to the Frontier Airline ticket counter, where I am informed that the end of the line is at the other end of the airport. I proceed to wait in such said line for about two hours before I FINALLY get to the counter to check my bag. This very grumpy lady informs me at that time that I'm two minutes past the cutoff time to check my bag for that flight, but that she can put me on standbye for a flight like five hours later. I believe my response is something like "you have got to be kidding me" (at this point I'm tired and completely stressed out). Her response was "Well you should have gotten here earlier then shouldn't you". I've never in my life wanted to just reach across the counter and hit someone. So I simply take my standby ticket and my luggage that I can't check for another hour, find a seat in a corner somewhere and call my dad in tears. When a girl wants to go home, she just wants to go home. He jumps online and tries to find a sooner flight to any of the four airports that I can fly into. So like ten hours later I finally make it to his house and crash for the night. 15 year old brother is taller than me and my 13 year old sister is about three inches away....SCARY!
Jump forward about three days. Dad and I go to Starbucks for some coffee and conversation....always fun! As we are sitting by the window and chatting...I notice three police cars pull up outside and four cops jump out with guns aimed at a guy standing right outside. I must have had a look of fear in my eyes (I don't know why I would!) because dad turned around and we decided it might be a good idea to step away from the window...just in case... Next thing I know, the guy is on the ground with handcuffs on. Turns out the sandwich shop next door was robbed the night before, and they thought it was that guy. However, turns out that particular guy on the ground had been flying in from somewhere, so they called the airline to verify and let him go. All I could think was HOW EMBARASSING for that poor guy. He was probably so confused!
Jump forward another few days and my sister and I were cooking dinner when I heard gunshot after gunshot after gunshot go off! I looked at her like..we live in the middle of nowhere suburbia D.C. What could possibly be going on. Apparently its common to hear the local hunters. That would explain the lady wearing a bright orange vest while walking her dog after all. However, listening to it all....I could only imagine a bunch of drunk rednecks running after a deer and trying to hit him all at once. I couldnt help but laugh.
Christmas morning. Now some of you may remember last year when little Kristen decided she was more interested in watching the rest of the power rangers movie than going downstairs to see what Santa brought her. Took us about half an hour to convince her that she could watch the movie later. This year was just as comical. Now since I don't have a room with walls there yet...I always sleep in her bed and she sleeps on the futon. I had been awake for about 30 minutes when she coming tearing into her room and jumps on top of me telling me how excited she was. I of course assumed she meant about opening presents. When I ask her this...she replies with this look like I'm crazy and tells me "NO silly goose. I'm excited about going to Grammy's today!". She is strange..but that is why we love her.
I think that might actually be all the crazy Christmas stories that I have. Living out here makes it hard to see that half of my family, which is really hard. Especially now that I wish I could be around for Kelly since she is at that almost in high school age where a big sister around more often might do her some good. Good thing we all have cell phones through its free!
Hope everyone had a safe and merry Christmas (excuse me...Holiday Season) and will have a happy new year!
December 14, 2005,9:30 PM

me on the mountain

December 12, 2005,6:47 PM
So tired..
So this weekend was way lots of fun. Good to get out of Denver for a few days and spend time in the mountains. Two days of straight skiing can definitely make you tired and sore though. And Sean learned how to stop fairly no falls or broken bones from either of us. Just a lot of ski boot complaining from both parties....and my face apparently would turn purple by the end of the day. Apparently one of us is supposed to get rich quick, because the condo people think we are actually going to buy one....
On that note...anyone wanting to make a trip out say Feb/March -ish...let me know. We are trying to find deals and get a big group to go skiing. I'm thinking either Copper Mountain or Breckenridge. So let me know! Anyone and everyone is welcome.
Don't want to go back to work tomorrow. So glad that in a few days I will be packing up again to go to my dad's for 10 days. My poor new boss didn't know what he was getting himself into when he offered me that job. Haven't been working all that much these past few weeks....
,3:32 PM

Me and Sean at the Coors Tour tasting area....question is what is the random bar guy starting at.....haha

,3:30 PM

Me under the random red chair with a horse on it in downtown Denver

,3:28 PM

Going up...

,3:28 PM

Sean getting ready to ski....

,3:27 PM

Me at the top of the mountain

December 08, 2005,11:01 PM
Just goes to show that when you least expect it....
Quick update before I vacate for the weekend....
1) New job is fun....currently playing the role of secretary a lot for the people that have been there for ages upon ages....but hey, we all gotta start somewhere.
2) Bathroom is FINALLY painted the right will have to go up if I ever clean up the mess created in such said bathroom.
3) My very good friend Sean is coming out tomorrow to go skiing in Winter Park for the weekend...where hopefully not too many bones will be broken...yet to be determined.
4) Leave a week later to go to D.C. for a week to spend time with the brothers and sisters that have probably grown to be taller than me in the past year. Also yet to be determined...
5) Come back in time to spend time with mom in the hospital as she is having surgery to hopefully correct her collapsing lung. Long story kinda. Don't really want to post THAT much personal info on ask in another way if you really want to know.
6) Ring in the New Year in some way that is the final "yet to be determined".
That's about it kids. As if that isn't enough to keep me occupied...