October 29, 2006,10:09 AM
Her butterfly wings kept sliding sideways on her
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posted by Lisa
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,10:08 AM
Lexi's butterfly Halloween costume (she wasn't very happy)
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posted by Lisa
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October 26, 2006,5:07 PM
Will the cowboy...I mean and the cowboy
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posted by Lisa
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,5:05 PM
Me and Will in Golden
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posted by Lisa
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,5:05 PM
Sunset from a few weeks ago...
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posted by Lisa
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,5:04 PM
Message on the windshield
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posted by Lisa
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,5:03 PM
I love how red these trees are against the snow!
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posted by Lisa
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,5:02 PM
Lexi's little paw print
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posted by Lisa
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,5:00 PM
Lexi and her toy
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posted by Lisa
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,4:36 PM
Been a while huh???
Um...so I know its been forever since I REALLY have updated on anything here....so I'm gonna do the short version known as "whats going on today..."haha. Ok..so about two months ago BlueLinx decided to do me a favor by including me in the 300 people that got laid off (that is the first round of lay offs). SO...that basically meant I had to scramble to find a new job as quickly as possible...for reasons known as very expensive vacation coming up, house payment, car payment, dog....I need to eat every now and then. So this past Monday I started working at Westwood College (yes there are two locations in Atlanta for anyone reading this that is from around there) as an Admissions Rep. So far...so good. Haven't been there long..so we'll see how it goes. However..that being said....today we had a Colorado version of a blizzard. Usually takes me about 30 min to get to work...today .....almost two hours. FUN!!!! But wait...it gets better....About five minutes away from campus...my windshield wiper BROKE OFF!!!! I watched as it flung itself off of my car and it probably landed on the car behind me or something (40 mile per hour winds..blowing snow..can't see anything..so who really knows). Luckily it was on the passenger side so I still made it to work safely....but oh wait...I'm not done yet. Got to work and the power was out. Kinda hard to use that computer if you can't turn it on. So we waited for half an hour in the dark before the VP told us to just go home. As I was talking to my boss about what I needed to get done tomorrow...power came back up. Unfortunately (yeah right) the system had crashed and we couldn't use any of the programs we need to do our job....so I got my first official working snow day. I've been enjoying falling over myself in the snow with Lexi as even with snow boots on..I still sink quite a bit. Will however is done in Colorado Springs and won't be coming back until tomorrow (their car already got stuck once and they had to dig themselves out). So that has been my very eventful day. I will try to update this more often...even if no one ever reads it but me.
posted by Lisa
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October 17, 2006,3:49 PM
Will and Lexi
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posted by Lisa
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