,9:09 PM
Dancing with my "little" brother
,9:08 PM
Raechel and Bethany
,9:08 PM
Kristen, Raechel and Kelly
,9:07 PM
my adorable sister dancing with her mom
,9:07 PM
Allison, me, Raechel, and Andrea
,9:06 PM
Cutting the cake
,9:06 PM
Dancing with my dad
,9:05 PM
Will dancing wiht my mom
,9:04 PM
My dad and brother watching us dance
,9:04 PM
The groom's cake my mom made!
,9:02 PM
Our cake! It was soooo good!
,8:57 PM
Getting my Georgia garter on
,8:56 PM
Kelly, Kristen and I
,8:56 PM
Angela and I at the lingerie dinner shower
,8:55 PM
Will, Susan and I at lunch
,8:48 PM
Will and I at the rehearsal lunch
,8:41 PM
Best weekend ever!
So.....Will and I got married on July 29th! It was perfect!!!! I'll be posting many pictures over the next coming weeks to share with all of our family and friends, but I wanted to first just say thanks to all of you for being a part of our special day. It wouldn't have been the same without you here! We had a blast and we hope that you each had just as much fun as we did! There are so many stories and memories that I want to write about...but I'm tired...so for now..enjoy a few pictures!!!
July 15, 2007,9:53 PM
Laura Cleasby

So I just befriended my cousin on myspace, and I had to steal this picture of her cute little one year old daugter, Laura. You can't help but smile at a sweet picture like that one!
July 05, 2007,9:09 PM
Rafting on the Royal Gorge