March 23, 2005,5:08 PM
Week is half over....
Yay! I survived half way through my first week of training. Only like...five or six more weeks to go! haha. I like that my area is the area that I've always had, because I'm finally getting to meet and/or spend more time with the people inside that I have talked to on the the phone millions of times before. For instance, I have heard Mike's name mentioned since like day one, and I finally got to meet him today. We were supposed to talk about roofing, but instead ended up just talking for an hour. Its people like that that I love sitting in with because it makes my afternoon FLY by. I get to go to a meeting in the morning with my buddy Mr. Anderson, but he doesnt know it yet...teehee. Gotta love the new job where you suddenly realize you already know all the people you need to know!
posted by Lisa
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