April Blizzard.....

First snow storm of the season....
Six months later to the day......we see snow again.....
It's like the final slap in the face that summer is over. It all started when we had to start wearing long sleeves at night. Christmas stuff started appearing on the shelves at WalMart. Then it became a little more obvious when they drained the pool. About a week ago I overheard people talking about ski passes and getting racks for their cars. Then out of nowhere.....it went from 85 degrees one day to a foot of snow the next. For the first time I got to drive to work in the snow and not worry about my car having a mind of its own and driving off the road without my permission. With a flip of a switch...my seats and windshield were heated..which is more than I can say for my house right now seeing as how I was still in summer never never land....I have yet to get my heater fixed. So we welcome you, winter of all winters, with open arms..because well....what choice do we really have...