March 27, 2005,9:09 PM
Happy Easter
Went to my mom's for easter today. Jim and Iris, my mom's neighbors, brought little Elliot and Gracie over and we had lunch and then hid about 150 eggs in the yard. I think between the three of them, they found them all in about 20 min. Then we went and did MY kind of egg hunting, in a car lot!!! We just went to the Subaru dealership, and I found a car there that I really like, but it was already sold. Just as well, I can't buy anything yet anyways. I can't believe how fast the weekend went by. I am not ready to get up in the morning and start a week all over again. This must be why people around me that live alone have cleaning people come to their homes. I used to laugh at them, because its not like these places are all that big, how hard could it be to keep them clean. NOW I KNOW!!!! After working so much last week, which I wasn't used to yet, you don't want to come home and clean and do laundry. You just want to lay around and do nothing. This week will hopefully be better though!