It was soooo nice a few days ago. Sun was out and it was really really would have thought it was actually Spring. But thats the funny thing around here, just when you put your coats away and store your skiis for the summer....THIS happens. Gonna be an EXCELLENT drive to work today....
I came home from my mom's on Easter, and wasnt really paying attention to anything around me, but my house was SO bright when I walked in the door. I walked outside and it felt like I could see every color possible in the sky. It was soooo awesome. THIS is why I love find joy in the simple things.
So, Kim and I still can't figure out who the random guy is that came up to us Friday, told me my name, and ran away. I know he has to work where I do, because those are really the only people I know here. So either I'm really being watched as I walk around in my new job, or someone just really remembered me from the Leadership thing last year, and doesn't feel the need to introduce himself again. I mean, does this randar realize how many people I have met in a very short amount of time and how much new information I am trying to retain. I can't remember every name that goes with every face I meet....
So of course when I go to the grocery store today and I'm getting milk , and I hear someone say hi to me, I can't help but we go again!!! But it was ok. I have discovered that seeing your boss at the grocery store is stranger than seeing your teacher there....
Went to my mom's for easter today. Jim and Iris, my mom's neighbors, brought little Elliot and Gracie over and we had lunch and then hid about 150 eggs in the yard. I think between the three of them, they found them all in about 20 min. Then we went and did MY kind of egg hunting, in a car lot!!! We just went to the Subaru dealership, and I found a car there that I really like, but it was already sold. Just as well, I can't buy anything yet anyways. I can't believe how fast the weekend went by. I am not ready to get up in the morning and start a week all over again. This must be why people around me that live alone have cleaning people come to their homes. I used to laugh at them, because its not like these places are all that big, how hard could it be to keep them clean. NOW I KNOW!!!! After working so much last week, which I wasn't used to yet, you don't want to come home and clean and do laundry. You just want to lay around and do nothing. This week will hopefully be better though!
Yay! I survived half way through my first week of training. Only like...five or six more weeks to go! haha. I like that my area is the area that I've always had, because I'm finally getting to meet and/or spend more time with the people inside that I have talked to on the the phone millions of times before. For instance, I have heard Mike's name mentioned since like day one, and I finally got to meet him today. We were supposed to talk about roofing, but instead ended up just talking for an hour. Its people like that that I love sitting in with because it makes my afternoon FLY by. I get to go to a meeting in the morning with my buddy Mr. Anderson, but he doesnt know it yet...teehee. Gotta love the new job where you suddenly realize you already know all the people you need to know!
Today was my first day at my new job. It was a LOOOOOONG day. I am not used to having regular working hours just yet. The good part was that there was another girl my age that was hired on at the same time, and she used to have the same job that I did, so we are definitely going through all this together. Right now it's just a lot of information to take in, but the people I work with are really nice and very understanding of the fact that we don't have a clue as to what we are doing. I am just so tired now and a little bit sick still, so I think I will have some soup and crash on the couch for the rest of the night.
So for what ever reason, I decided it would be a good idea to start my laundry at 10:30 tonight. I am leaving for Albuquerque for what should be the last time in the morning. I'm only going to be gone for three days, but I really hate having to come home on a Friday night and feel like I have to clean and do laundry, so I am trying to get some of that done now. Then I get to start my new job on Monday! Yay! I can not wait to clean out this 'home office' and get rid of the extra computers and extra car and extra phone! I have enough stuff around here you would think two people lived here! Happy St. Patricks Day!!!
My mom came home from Tennesse early, and she's home all alone, so I'm going to return the dog and we are gonna get take out and movies and have a slumber party and eat lots and lots of food. Yay!
So when I agreed to take care of my sister's dog because of Spring Break, I should have paid more attention to the weather. I keep forgetting that in Colorado it likes to snow...a lot...and in times when you least expect it. I don't really find it fun to have to walk a dog downstairs, myself getting very cold and wet in the process, and then let her sink in the snow because it is in fact almost abover her head, and then have to make sure that her feet are dry so that she does not leave little puppy paw prints all over my carpet. This all being the very reason I do not have a dog. What's even better is they are calling for snow all the way through Wednesday. Can you tell I'm over the snow now....keep it in the mountains and make some money off city people are tired of it. :)
Ok, so I got the idea from Mrs. Amber Vestal, but there are several reasons why I thought I might do the same. One, my family is really bad at keeping up with what is going on in each others lives, and more importantly, when my dad does find out the important info that I think I need to know, he quickly forgets all about it. And because of that, I had to email my cousin in Florida to find out about her sister's new baby, and realized then that her own baby was now a year old, and how time flies. So...I guess I am not so good a tthe keeping in touch with people either. And then I thought about the people I work with and how we are getting scattered like the winds, and how this might be an easier way for some of them to find out whats going on with me in Denver. So, all in all, this is how friends and family that don't live in Colorado are gonna get to know about whats happening in my life. So Enjoy!!!